All the FMLs

PattonGilette2 tells us more.

PattonGilette2 18

Yeah, I was pretty surprised that with all the things on his desk, he saw the cactus as a way to put me in my place haha.

OysterPearls tells us more.

Hi, OP here! We had two flawless performances before this one, and several rehearsals before that. So no, I was not unprepared in the least. I think the problem came from the lack of sleep I had before this specific performance, because; with my luck, I happened to catch a cold the night before. Thanks for the positive comments, I feel like posting this has helped me overcome the embarrassment by giving me the opportunity to laugh at my own plight! :)

Sodapop40 tells us more.

Sodapop40 21

They saw me staring at them with terror in my eyes, and quickly came over to ask me if I wanted tto model with their agency? Um, no.