A news day

By Not Wanted - 03/02/2014 08:00 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I'm moving out of the house. My little sister can't wait and I've never seen my dad so happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 918
You deserved it 4 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe your dad is happy you're taking the next big step to adulthood, either way, you have the chance to create your own happiness :) good luck out there

Could you have done something that could have made them feel this way?


Brooke5702 13

As a girl I can say that yeah we get happy when we get more room in the house, no matter who leaves. And your father is probably just proud of you for being independent and taking responsibility in your future. :)

my little brother is always asking me to move out...

This is prob how it would go down if my older brother moved out.

I understand your pain. my younger brother wud luv if I moved out coz I stop him from having drugs and my mom wud love the same coz I ask abt her multiple boyfriends after my dads death. its painful buddy!

hey I haven't moved out but I know the feeling

teashock 5

Don't take that as a bad sign. This is a new experience for everyone and they're happy you are starting a new beginning.

r_bruce69 19

you might be a nice person but let's face it; you're probably just an arsehole

At least they're happy to see you go. My mom is still going through Empty Nest Syndrome with my married sister, and every time I mention moving out of the house, she has a nervous breakdown. Trust me; their wanting you out is a good problem to have.

I get why your sisters happy, she doesn't have to share things with you and she can probably have your room. But really your dad too.