A tad overbearing

By nehadrihan - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Oceanside

Today, my mom decided to follow me during my driving test. She rear ended me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 816
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

By stressedartist - 09/09/2016 12:43 - United States

Today, I ran over Oprah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 499
You deserved it 70

Top comments

larrena2377 26

I'm sorry! My mother is pushy and overprotective too so I know how you feel. Hopefully she'll back off a little next time

She better pay for the retake test >.


13, it is not stated whether or not in this FML if your lack of humour and also your conclusion in mother or daughter failing are actually true. BUT, if you had any common sense you would realize that OP will be most likely retaking the test, as for OP's mother's incident; she will probably stay home this time, or maybe not. My point being that neither actually failed as daughter never did anything wrong and mother's mistake was an accident. However, I did write this much to have you comprehend that you, my child, are the true reality of a magnificently immature, fail.

I thought Morgan freeman would be a lot more chill than that^

Wow 22, if it's a bad joke just tell me instead of calling me immature. I rather have that instead of some Morgan Freeman....I'm sorry Morqan wanna-be lecture me. SORRY

Dodge4x4Ram 46

let her spread her wings mother

Do not let her teach you.. It she asks pretend u passed out so she can't get mad.

Well then. She edited the comment. But "u" still isn't a word.

get mad? her mom is the one who crossed the line. and what would pretending to pass out do?

arandomusernameaa 20

probably just get OP banned from driving for medical reasons...

JMichael 25

I think your mom might need to take the test again.

driving tests are bad enough as it is. the person who tested before me actually ran over a cat during theirs... :( sorry OP, better luck on your next attempt. just remember how easy and simple it really is! don't let the administrator intimidate you. you've probably been practicing driving for awhile now, it's the same exact thing.

Wut. I don't think that's even allowed... at least not in the driving school my sister went to :/ In any case, explain to your instructor and you'll probably get another chance. Good luck!

Did you fail because you were rear ended? Cause that's not your fault at all