Absolute beginners

By dancerr2210 - 09/06/2010 04:01 - United States

Today, after making out with my boyfriend for the first time, it took me an hour to convince him he was still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 264
You deserved it 6 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats what you get for dating 6 year olds....

ThatLooksSticky 16

Making out is kissing (each other's lips), and maybe "heavy petting" or "groping." Oral sex is using your mouth on another person's genitals, which usually aren't located on the face.


heatherfeather 4
Misguided_Ghost 0

why would you try to convince "him" that "he's" a virgin?

Misguided_Ghost 0

ohhhhhhhh, hahah nevermind. :D I read it wrong, dumb mee. (; lol.

mrzero 0

#7 why she need a new BF??? beacues he was a virgin???? FYL n really need one

m1x3d 0

fyl u should have told him he wasn't a virgin and then had sex..mane people don't think!


OP... are you dating someone who is mentally challenged?

Ultimate_Cynic 0

The stupid, it is strong in this thread. Oh, and concerning OP's boyfriend, I blame it on the likelihood of a strict christian upbringing. I am consistently amazed that ignorance is not one of their seven holy virtues.

itskait 0

wait so, if sex is only by penis penitration, than that means all lesbians are still virgins.

..... OP get a new BF as soon as possible. smh.... ydi for having an immature boyfriendd.