Absolute beginners

By dancerr2210 - 09/06/2010 04:01 - United States

Today, after making out with my boyfriend for the first time, it took me an hour to convince him he was still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 264
You deserved it 6 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats what you get for dating 6 year olds....

ThatLooksSticky 16

Making out is kissing (each other's lips), and maybe "heavy petting" or "groping." Oral sex is using your mouth on another person's genitals, which usually aren't located on the face.


Stop dating some puss and date a real man.

alexsandra_2011 0

that suxs... either dump him or go thru the trouble of explaining.....

me90 0

Haha making out is considered oral sex lol omg r u like 2 seriously lol

Imgonnadie_fml 0

Losing your virginity - A male's penis entering a female's ****** for the first time and breaking the hymen if it hasn't been broken accidentaly or during certain sports. There is no other way of losing your virginity .

First off, the hymen should never be broken, it never needs to be broken. It only gets broken in sex if the man was too rough or if the woman wasn't sufficiently turned on or both. If we just, as a culture, stopped considering hymen breaking normal and taught girls that they didn't need to put up with that pain and taught guys some empathy, then hymens would cease to be broken from sex. Second of all, the concept of virginity is arbitrary. It originally became a thing when women were bought and sold and men wanted to be assured that any child coming from his bride was his own. Nowadays, we have reliable birth control and pregnancy tests and paternity tests, so a guy can be assured that his wife isn't pregnant by someone else even if she has had sex with people before him (although if he thinks he needs that assurance he's probably a controlling asshole). Is a woman who tests negative for pregnancy a virgin? Given the purpose of the original concept she functionally would be, but obviously that isn't how the word is used now. Nowadays virginity is this mythical purity that you somehow lose by having sex. That's bullshit because having sex once doesn't change anything about you. Having sex a bunch of times does change you, but it's all in terms of gaining experience and learning a skill- you don't lose anything. Then there's the ambiguity of what counts as sex. Is it still sex if you stop before anyone cums? Does gay or lesbian sex count as sex? Where you draw the line is arbitrary. So yeah, virginity is a pointless concept.