Absolute beginners

By dancerr2210 - 09/06/2010 04:01 - United States

Today, after making out with my boyfriend for the first time, it took me an hour to convince him he was still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 264
You deserved it 6 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats what you get for dating 6 year olds....

ThatLooksSticky 16

Making out is kissing (each other's lips), and maybe "heavy petting" or "groping." Oral sex is using your mouth on another person's genitals, which usually aren't located on the face.


good one 43. I hope you dumped him, op.

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

y r all u guys saying tht op needs a new bf? like we all gotta lose our virginity one day. n op n her bf doesn't have 2 b in grade school 4 her bf 2 still b a virgin. like y'all need 2 grow up n stop tlkin shit, there's no where tht gives u an age limit wen 2 lose ur virginity.

I believe the point of people saying that she needs to dump him is not because he is a virgin. it's because after a mere make-out session, he believed he had lost his virginity.

Not to be a grammar nazi, but that was painful to read.

I refuse to read your comment. I think my IQ just dropped 10 points by being on the same site as you.

xoxoswimmxox 0

um by saying he's in grade school I think people mean by his stupidity...

Don't worry--By the time you both get in the 4th grade, these things will be clear(er) to him.

Personally, I only look at the comments for the hawt pics. Wait…

youthink_fml 0

same problem. I also had to spend forever trying to prove to prove that in 15. but it's not a bad thing lol

dannyshreds92 0

dammit while yes there's oral sex and anal sex when we talk about virginity we're referring to vaginal. the one god intended. for obvious reasons.

monnanon 13

So men that have only had sex with men are still virgins? and women that have had sex with only women are still virgins? Vaginal sex is the one most people use to define losing their virginity but I would say anal sex counts too if thats the only type of sex you have. In the case of lesbians you can use the genital to genital contacl rule (just like vaginal sex) as the lose of virginity marker. Kissing and oral sex does not count as losing your virginity.

sosoinlove09 0

yea, I agree with# 66. you don't have to be on grade school to be a virgin. I knew people that were virgins up until the ages of 18 and 19

VeryNice329 0

I think the grade school thing is coming from the bf just not knowing any better. not being a virgin. and shame on anyone if they do actually mean that once grade school is over, they shouldn't be virgins anymore.

#85 I was a virgin up until a couple of months ago, and I'm almost 21...

Isn't Steve Carell a 40 year old virgin :p

Or, Why only teaching abstinence at school was a bad idea.

Jesus Christ... Maybe you should inform him he will remain a virgin and just find someone that isn't a lost cause.