Alas, poor little dude

By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 18:23 - United States

Today, my six year-old daughter discovered the family's pet rabbit in the basement freezer. The rabbit had died almost a year ago, and we'd stored it in the freezer, intending to bury it later. Here's to the trauma of losing the family pet. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 759
You deserved it 44 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xThatAsianGurlx 0

At this point, you may as well get it stuffed and mounted on the wall. It will surely be a welcomed mantlepiece come Easter time.


Why the F*CK would you 'store' a dead rabbit in the freezer FOR A YEAR?! You definitely deserve it. I'm sorry about the daughter though.

What the hell?! Just bury it! We're you planning on eating it?!

RKD 23

Like the Carol Burnett skit, "You know what happened to your pet rabbit? Well, that wasn't BEEF stew we ate the night he ran off!" Seriously, folks, all of you need to chill-I'm sure OP didn't mean to traumatize his or her child!

That's disturbing. Looking at the date this was posted though, the ground might have been frozen.