By Radioo - 18/01/2010 09:00 - United States

Today, my rabbit died. He died a painful death from ingesting too much carpet. I now have no rabbit and a patchy carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 837
You deserved it 6 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assuming that you knew this was a problem, why the hell were you keeping your rabbit in an area where he could continue eating it? Poor rabbit.

perdix 29

Shame on you! You should get a boyfriend to munch your carpet, not a little bunny. You're going to have a hard time getting a guy interested in your patchy carpet, so you should probably just shave "down there" and start all over again.


It's a carpet-filled rabbit. Do you like ingesting carpet?

No, but I would imagine that as I tend to eat muscle, rather than the gastrointestinal tract of the animals I consume that this would be less of an issue.

peace7love2FML 0
minnieminroe 0
mexicutioner123 0

Today, I was casually eating a carpet when I started to feel funny. I later discovered that rabbits cant eat carpets. I'm a rabbit. FML.

Assuming that you knew this was a problem, why the hell were you keeping your rabbit in an area where he could continue eating it? Poor rabbit.

This. Why wasn't the rabbit in the cage? This could have been easily prevented

They coulda let it out for an afternoon and not noticed that it was snacking at the carpet till too late.

YoungE 0

in tha rabbits defense, it knew no better, for the OP there is none

Carpetmuncher. =) Sorry bout your rabbit though.

A rabbit munching carpet... I just had a great idea for a **** movie!

Yes, I definitely thought of a sexual innuendo when I saw this, too. O_O

Wow, you totally deserve this. You should've been watching your rabbit. If you saw him eating the carpet you should've stopped him. Also, you can give I'm sure there was something you could have given your rabbit that was similar to exlax. Next time try not to be so negligent. Poor rabbit :(.