Alexa, play "Do You Remember The First Time?" by Pulp

By virginal-sucks - 19/05/2024 06:00 - Canada - Lethbridge

Today, I had my first sexual encounter/kiss. I’m 37, which I know is a strange age for firsts. After blowing him for a bit, he started to f**k me, then went soft. He called it "whisky dick." Then he was on his phone. It took all of 30 minutes, then I was home again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

or it’s call “oops” and now your pregnant

Wadlaen 23

If it's of any comfort, I'm 35 and still without any sexual encounters or expert, and the way things are looking at the moment, it will stay like this for me for quite some time.


or it’s call “oops” and now your pregnant

And next time check the author. I doubt there will be any pregnancy. :D

Wadlaen 23

If it's of any comfort, I'm 35 and still without any sexual encounters or expert, and the way things are looking at the moment, it will stay like this for me for quite some time.