Alexa play "More than this" by Roxy Music

By bagpipesrkmywrld - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my most difficult task at work was three hole punching a 500-page document so somebody could put it in a binder on their shelf and not read it. I have a $150,000 education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 330
You deserved it 8 045

Top comments

Leptailurus 0

Just goes to show you that an expensive education does not equal super-awesome-job. :P


Having an education is far different than being educated.

Hey, as long as it pays good, who cares? If you're making minimum wage, then that's a different story. But FYL for paying $150,000 to go to college. I'm going to a local college $1,000 a semester for pretty much the same thing...A piece of paper saying I learned stuff.

Before I start ranting, to address the OP, everyone starts somewhere, if your work is not challenging or rewarding ask your boss for additional work or to join on to some projects. Talk about your long term career goals and how the two of you can help make them a reality. Now for you Millennials, aka the t-ball generation, a couple of things.. 1st - Welcome to the new marketplace. Be happy you have a job. Next time someone askes "hows your job?" the answer isnt "it sux" the answer is "At least I have one!" 2nd - We all start somewhere. You have a $150K education, guess what so do thousands of other people working around you. A Degree doesn’t show you can hack it in the business world, you have to prove it over many years. 3rd - You should be happy you even have a job in today’s marketplace. Seriously, you think your job sucks? A quick lesson, most jobs suck, you will not be valued and you will never be paid what your worth. Jobs pay what the position is worth to the company, NOT the individuals contributions (unless your commissioned). Listen kids I know you and your T-Ball generation have been brought up to believe you will succeed at everything with little effort, but it’s a lie. Honestly no one wants to hear your opinion or “feedback” until you have accomplished something and your opinion is worth something. The saying you cant teach an old dog new tricks stands true to current management. We still want people to dress for success, yes we do care what you dress like. Work is a place of business, not an extension of your social network. The world isn’t going to change to meet your needs and ideals, its you who has to adapt to the world and in a decade or two then you can start making the changes till then step in line and build some experience.

rverboom 0

just because you have a $150, 000 education, doesnt mean you'll get a good job. you can be rich but still stupid.

ohhhhshizzz 0

Yeah hun, welcome to the real world. I know I'm young and all but I plan on doing alot. That means taking Honors, AP, & Gifted classes right now. Going to college on scholarship & going during the summer. That way I have time to figure out what will be best to do. My mom yells at me for planning ahead, but I know once I get to college all of this planning is going to pay off well, I won't spend four years dicking around THEN finding out I love History.

I understand. Completely. I paid the same for a private Catholic University education and now I open bills for a living. Literally, I work for a company that gets the power, sewer, water and trash bills of multi-location companies like Starbucks and PetsMart. I work in the mailroom, where I sit at a desk and pull the bills out of the envelopes. I majored in Math and had a 3.8 GPA. The most I use my degree is to count the bills into stacks of 20, 30 or 40. The people who say "College graduates make a million dollars more in their lifetime" are lying. My sister works at Babies 'R Us (another company whose bills I open) and she makes more than I do. She does not have a degree. So I understand your pain. I just hope that at some point people like you and I will actually get good paying jobs that are worth a damn.

pappy1193 0

The real world sucks. History degrees are next to useless along with some other classes. It is all about planning the right thing to major in and finding connections. FYL

#8/Leptailurus: You have a very good point. Don't expect an amazing job just because you went to a fantastic college; especially not now since jobs are harder to get than ever. *shrug*

dude, most entry level positions require crappy-and worthless tasks-like this. You guys shouldn't assume he has a non-college degree related job or a useless major. But these days, Mcdonalds expects their employees to have a degree. Things will get better, OP. I think First Jobs aLWAYS suck.

That's what happens when you assume that expensive school=good job.