Alexa, play "Policy of Truth" by Depeche Mode

By is there a environmental scientist in the house? - 05/03/2013 08:48 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, wanting to impress my date, I bullshitted her about how I was an environmental scientist. She got so impressed that she invited me over to her place. Not her home, her office. So that I could give her pointers on her current project. She's a real environmental scientist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 589
You deserved it 76 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feldco1 17

Hmm interesting coincidence but ydi for lying.


Jessj958 19

I understand the first date thing, but isn't profession one of the things you talk about with someone before going on a date? Most people know that type of stuff before going on a date with someone.

Well, OP, maybe you can lie your way out of this pickle- just tell her that you said you're an Enviro-Mental Scientist and that your field of study is how mental midgets in certain environments totally exaggerate their achievements in order to try in vain to impress women- Tell her she's actually a subject in your study and that you're keenly interested in her response to your total bull hockey.... Maybe that will work?

RedPillSucks 31

Ooooooh! ohhhhh! I'ma write this down.... *fully focused writing face, tongue slightly out of corner of mouth* Enviro- what, now???

AgentSmith79 9

The fact that you can't get laid without lying to a chick speaks volumes about how ****** up and shitty you are as a person. FML for listening to you bitch about your own stupidity.

Had you been a real enviro scientist, you would've gotten into her pants!

DasHaas 9

Next time, instead of pretending to be somebody, try actually being somebody :)

TheyCallMeDamien 17

never lie about things you can't do

Talk about GMO, geoengineering, and HAARP. Then tell them what you think about Al Gore and global warming.

You so deserve it! Haven't you ever seen Seinfeld? George pretends to be a Marine Biologist, then has to rescue a whale!