Alexa, play "Policy of Truth" by Depeche Mode

By is there a environmental scientist in the house? - 05/03/2013 08:48 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, wanting to impress my date, I bullshitted her about how I was an environmental scientist. She got so impressed that she invited me over to her place. Not her home, her office. So that I could give her pointers on her current project. She's a real environmental scientist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 589
You deserved it 76 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feldco1 17

Hmm interesting coincidence but ydi for lying.


I may be wrong, but I don't think lying helps with a relationship.

I don't understand why people do that... if you hope to be with the person you're lying to, they're going to have to find out... it's not like you can lie forever about your job. lol way to go, dumbass.

Let me guess: You've been an environmental engineer, aka janitor? Don't you know professions can be checked online, ala LinkedIn? You're not just a liar, but a dumbass one.

How could have that worked out in your favor? You need to mature some before you date again.

RedPillSucks 31

You did her a great service... Most girls have to spend time and be completely invested before they realize the guy they are with is a moron and move on to bigger and better things. You saved her the trouble... Good for you!

That's why you're always taught not to lie. The truth is always better. You totally deserved it.

If you do stuff like this when trying to impress... You're obviously a douche.

I know quite a few people who lie about thier jobs.. kinda.. though they dont outright lie they just dont correct the womens assumption, your in air force someone who knows nothing about the airforce assums your a pilot, you get laid, when she finds out they arnt pilots, they just tell her they never said they were, and they didnt lie atol