Alexa, play "Policy of Truth" by Depeche Mode

By is there a environmental scientist in the house? - 05/03/2013 08:48 - United States - Walnut Creek

Today, wanting to impress my date, I bullshitted her about how I was an environmental scientist. She got so impressed that she invited me over to her place. Not her home, her office. So that I could give her pointers on her current project. She's a real environmental scientist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 589
You deserved it 76 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feldco1 17

Hmm interesting coincidence but ydi for lying.


I read up until "bullshitted" then hit YDI.

angelofmusic113 9

...And that's why you shouldn't lie.

OP- I don't have to be a scientist to know that your intimate life environment is going to suffer a global lie-induced drought.... Next time, tell the truth- women will like you better if you do. Not that much, but a little better than if you're a transparently moronic spewer of untruth.....

Didn't you learn anything from George pretending to be a marine biologist on Seinfeld?

trueblue170 13

I clicked "you deserve it" as soon as I read the first sentence. -_-

Oooooo you are in trouble :D better be honest then being fake

Because being yourself is too unimpressive?

That's what you get for taking notes from Barney Stinson, plan doesn't always work out bro.

spliit_fml 8

You deserved it for lying! Next time just be yourself -_- that's of you get anymore dates