
By Ms.rain - 07/12/2018 12:30

Today, my boyfriend went through my phone while I was in the bathroom, to check if I was cheating. I'm not. He was looking for some leverage for when he told me he's been fucking my best friend for the last year, he could use something against me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 439
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please make their lives hell. If you don't want to, I will.

On the plus side, it should be easier to get over that guy, because he is a real pos. I hope you cutting off that "best friend" in the process.


I hope you weren’t making any long-term plan around him

This confirms the old adage that the accuser is usually the guilty party in situations like this. Sorry, OP. :(

gregcrawford 4

Get him all hot and bothered. Then administer a world class handjob; prolonging as long as you can. Then, just when you think he is about to nut, punch him fore-square in the balls.

Blunt person 16

Why do people always check their SOs phones?!

How can this not be you "ex-boyfriend" at this point?