Another Tinder Swindler

By stormblade27 - 28/01/2019 02:00

Today, my friend told me to try dating apps, saying, “What's the worst that could happen?” I just finished paying some girl $100 to not send a dick pic to all my Facebook friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 010
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you meet a girl on a dating app, and the first thing you do is send her a dick pic? I just have to ask, are you that out of touch with social situations?


Remember, dick pics should only ever be a reminder, not an introduction.

tapdancecolumbia 14

I'm curious, it says "a dick pic", not "my dick pic". So, could she be holding onto a random dick pic she snagged somewhere to use for this situation? Seems unlikely but the wording is curious. If that's not the case and I'm being too generous, hey, don't send nudes. Derp.

Paul ven 7

Dang! I gotta join tinder or something! Dollar dollar bills y’all!

jsikes 8

Why does everyone assume he sent an unsolicited pic? How do you know she wasn’t asking him to, with the intent of holding it against him for money once he did send it?

auganator 4

rookie, ive had multiple chicks try to pull this on me (they asked for the dick pics). literally all you have to do is screenshot the message then have the cops give her a call to explain what extortion charges are.

SaintPanda 1

dude, just don't send dickpics, thats the obvious solution. honestly, i'm dissapointed