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By rent-a-cop - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto

Today, as a condominium security guard, I had to enter an old lady's apartment to supervise the mandatory maintenance taking place inside. I commented on the lakeside view from her window and mentioned, "This is a pretty nice view up here isn't it?" It turns out that she's blind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 210
You deserved it 7 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not really your fault you were just trying to make small talk.

I'm sure that she is confronted with that situation a lot, OP. I bet that she just brushed it off. Ever see when Ryan Seacrest tried to high five a blind guy?


When it comes to stuff like that, there's nothing you can do but apologize and then live with the awkward silence which will surely ensue.

Kuhu1993 21

Don't beat yourself up. You didn't know

vicb_fml 6

She's blind but **** your life? Lol.

Good point. Not sure why you are being thumbed down... or am I missing something here?

You did her a favour.. Telling her what the surrounding look like, now she can appreciate life a little bit more knowing how beautiful it is from her window.

This made me awww out loud. And the Optimist of the Year award goes to you. Enjoy!

The prize for the optimist of the year is a half full keg of beer.

Jessie2410 15

You insensitive fool! I hope she beat you with her cane! But for real, you didn't know. Don't worry about it so much.

You couldn't have known OP, with any other elderly lady it would've been a great topic of conversation, you were unlucky.

I see said the blind woman to her deaf husband as she chased their crippled children around the house.

My mom once chatted with a blind. She accidentally told him "See ya" when she tried to say goodbye... Stuff happens ^^

At least she didn't say 'mmmm, I see' in response to something he said.

I bet she didn't see that one coming.

I wonder if you saw the inevitable storm of down voting, that is undoubtedly heading your way for recycling an already used joke (and a bad one at that), coming.