Art critic

By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 00:02 - United States

Today, my mom went snooping through my art bin to "clean out my old drawings". She found numerous nude pieces and accused me of selling porn. My mom mistook and threw out 57 anatomy practice sketches that I worked very very hard on, and ripped up the remainder of my drawings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 088
You deserved it 3 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dillybar 0

Ouch, I know how that feels :( Nudity =/= ****.

What a ******* bitch.... my Dad did something similar when I was young. He tore out all of my anatomy images from my sketchbooks.


2 tings 1.#1 stfu fag 2. U didnt deserve tat op ur moms a beeyatch

Oh mah gawd, i kno lik serisly homeboy!! -.- Really?

148 - Your picture makes your comment so much better

draw a picture of her. a very large picture. and leave it so she can find it

YDI for all those naked pictures of Clay Aiken!

Parents are way too overprotective about nudity. That's not to say that small children should be shown **** sites, but parents need to learn how to draw the line between scientific/academic nudity (anatomy studies) and pornography. How old are you anyway? Are you in elementary school, high school, or older? It matters. The older you are when this happens, the more your mother is obsessed with "protecting your innocence". You definitely did not deserve this.

i agree completely. in England for art GCSE (age 14-16) it's compulsory to do life studies. The OP's mum is totally out of order.

@LatinoHeat we all know you whack off to gay ****

JJawbreakerr 0

Wow, thats horrible. What a shitty mother. If my mother ever did that with my sketch book I'd be beyond pissed. FYL indeed, OP.

wow, how uptight is your mom? that's just awful

Oh man I know how that feels, you should have seen MY mom when she found out what my Life Art Drawing classes were. hey at least she didn't walk in on you with a model haha that REALLy would have been FYL

maybe_tomorrow 0

What is it with all of these mom FMLs? Seriously, if all of these are true then there are some really ignorant moms out there, who all seem to act first and ask questions later. FYL.

Because humanity is getting dumber and more paranoid. If Moms hear that art causes cancer, they'll beat the living shit outta their kid until they swear to their holy god that they will never pick up a colored pencil again. If Moms see anything that had been deemed inappropriate and taboo like 200 years ago in terms of clothing styles, they burn it. I have yet to meet a Mom that asked questions first, and acts later. They're all becoming the same these days. It's sad.

I dunno. I've met a lot of parents in general who tend to get really fired up and upset about something in the heat of the moment. Sometimes they look back after a day or so and rationalize, sometimes they don't. Some of them are overprotective and overbearing. It's not uncommon. And op. I'm so so sorry. The things that an artist goes through for their work... and now it's all dubbed "****" by your mom. And destroyed. That's unforgivable.

"Because humanity is getting dumber and more paranoid."

I can't tell if you agree with me or disagree with the way that webcomic went.

Well, seeing as the whole point of the comic was to point out that humanity is NOT any dumber or more morally deficient than it ever has been, I'd have to say I disagree with you. :)

Try working in retail for a few years. You'll change your mind.