Art critic

By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 00:02 - United States

Today, my mom went snooping through my art bin to "clean out my old drawings". She found numerous nude pieces and accused me of selling porn. My mom mistook and threw out 57 anatomy practice sketches that I worked very very hard on, and ripped up the remainder of my drawings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 093
You deserved it 3 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dillybar 0

Ouch, I know how that feels :( Nudity =/= ****.

What a ******* bitch.... my Dad did something similar when I was young. He tore out all of my anatomy images from my sketchbooks.


yumfrenchtoast 0

Oh, man. I'm an artist, too, and I would ******* shoot anybody who did that. And what's with all the bitch ass parents out there? Why do parents just go through their kid's stuff and trash anything they want to? My advice: keep your drawings LOCKED UP. And make copies!

smith314 0

she must have seen anatomy pictures of other body parts, there were 57...

88sforlife 0

I wish people like you would grow up .

Sad that even someone's mom doesn't understand art.. :(

demonwolfmaster 26

parents are so dumb nowadays my dad has thrown out so much of my stuff a lot of it hurts still to this day because it meant a lot fyl truly this is bull shit that they threw out drawings.

Oh man, if MY mom did that, I would probably be super pissed. Sorry OP. -hug-

alyvengeance 3

I'm sorry...but what a royal ****. I can't believe your mom would do something like that. Drawings/art is so different than ****, no matter what the drawing is of. Naked people or not, it's ART and there's a world of difference. If my mom did that (which she never would because she really supports and loves my art,) I would scream at her, bitch slap her, then find something very dear to her and destroy it. Then she'd see how it feels... Then I'd probably not speak to her for a very long time! Sorry, that's just the plain truth. Hopefully you told her like it is.

apocalyptic_1125 0

I hate parents, they're so quick to jump to conclusions.