Art critic

By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 00:02 - United States

Today, my mom went snooping through my art bin to "clean out my old drawings". She found numerous nude pieces and accused me of selling porn. My mom mistook and threw out 57 anatomy practice sketches that I worked very very hard on, and ripped up the remainder of my drawings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 088
You deserved it 3 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dillybar 0

Ouch, I know how that feels :( Nudity =/= ****.

What a ******* bitch.... my Dad did something similar when I was young. He tore out all of my anatomy images from my sketchbooks.


oh wow man that sucks SO HARD!!!! your mom is a bitch, she should know you well enough to know that you are an artist and shouldnt be rooting around in your shit

Doc_J65 0

OP: dude that sucks. I know I would really be angry if somthing like that happened to me. to the death2infedels guy: your time will come

Oh god. My condolences. The father of my best friend decided to clean up her work area in their shared computer room, once. He found a box full of sketchbooks and drawings that she "never opened". He threw everything out, namely every single piece of artwork and practice she did during the previous six years. The fact that his daughter was attending art school apparently escaped him. She was not very pleased when she visited home during her school break and discovered that. I'm surprised her father lived to tell the tale.

SyndicatedAlias 0

Wow, OP, your mother is an uncultured bitch...I'd seriously consider doing some damage if my parents did that to my work...

Dude, your mom is stupid. Nudity is not ****, it's art. I don't care what people say when I tell them that, but it's not.

If there ever was a time to punch a parent in the neck this would be 1 of them. FYL dude...

I am seriously angry for you! Your mother is awful for throwing out and destroying your artwork. That is unforgivable. FYL.

YDI for not putting that bitch in her place. Why is your mom cleaning up your stuff anyway?? Move the **** out you bum.

monnanon 13

that is awful how dare she throw out your drawings. And so what if they had been pornographic sketches you can draw what you like. The fact that they were anatomy sketches and probably very important to furthering your work makes it worse. Its comments like these that make me so glad that I have cool parents. OP im sorry that your mum could not see past her own stupidity and did not respect these sketches for what they were. FML big time