As a treat

By Undercooked - 24/09/2013 19:08 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, my girlfriend made bacon sandwiches for lunch. I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't help but mention that the bacon smelled and tasted weird. I thought it may have expired. She said not to worry because she used the dry bacon under the counter. Those were dog treats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 092
You deserved it 4 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DreamStatic 8

You must have been beggin for real bacon after that.

Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! Gotta get that bacon!


Aussieinusa 5

At least she tried! I would love it if someone made me a sammich, as long as it didn't have doggy bacon. I don't need a shiny coat

Now I'm really craving a bacon sandwich. Not a dog treat one, just a normal one. Yummm

Xatraris 38

BLT= Bacon, Little more bacon, Throw on more bacon.

You could make one for OP he deserves a treat after that mess. Not dog treats might I add.

brokenman5 6

Maybe she likes them and wanted to see what you thought of them hehehe...

I'm sorry OP but I think your girlfriend might be a little...slow...

Strangely I've always like the smell of those. I would never eat them though. How much did you eat before asking about the bacon?

Wizardo 33

She was barking up the wrong tree, I bet you were wagging at the chance for some real meat and not the woofing poor substitute fit for dogs.