As a treat

By Undercooked - 24/09/2013 19:08 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, my girlfriend made bacon sandwiches for lunch. I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't help but mention that the bacon smelled and tasted weird. I thought it may have expired. She said not to worry because she used the dry bacon under the counter. Those were dog treats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 092
You deserved it 4 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DreamStatic 8

You must have been beggin for real bacon after that.

Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! Gotta get that bacon!


afallingstar 22

Did she not notice the picture of the dog on the package or the fact that it had to mention dog treats on the package? Is your girlfriend blind or illiterate?

On the bright side, your teeth is clean as a dog's tongue!

Haha lmao Omg that's is too funny I'm so glad you shared this it is definitely one of my favorites so far.

I would think the bag said "Dog Treat".

smurfdoll 8

Hahaha well you can't have beautiful, great cook & smart. Wait you can(: me !! Hahaa

I don't understand people who are that clueless though. I'm sorry OP! Your girlfriend needs some help.