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By snownerd - 03/11/2011 16:13 - United States

Today, while I was shopping, I saw my old friend from high school. After a bit of talking, I ended up giving her my phone number. I wrote it on an old receipt. Little did I remember, the receipt was from when I bought lube and condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 770
You deserved it 39 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iFizzgig 11


WTSchool 0

That comment is not worthy to be first. ): I was disappointed when I read it. Dear OP, I keep sticky notes in my purse for a reason. (:

I thought it was worthy lol thanks for being a troll :(

WTSchool 0
iFizzgig 11

Nope a hint would be writing. "**** me tonight." on the paper.

iFizzgig 11

24 you're right, how 'bout "Don't **** me tonight. *wink, *wink*."

cyns0_oaSailor 0

23/32 commenting on your own comment talking to yourself, That's some kind of stupid.

n_epic_fail 14

When she calls you, you can bet on her using her "seductive" voice...

13FTW 9

40, I'm not sure I understand "commenting on your own comment talking to yourself" That sir, is the language of duuuuumbass.

40 I meant 24 or are you that thick-headed to actually understand that. Please respond back.

Also thanks for sticking up for me 46.

13FTW 9

Dude, your name has potato in it, I couldn't not stick up for you.

Awesome plan to see if she wants to party!

iFizzgig 11

*seductive voice* Put it in. No silly! Put in your credit card. ;*

iFizzgig 11

Awkwarddddd. Hope she did not see the items you bought loool

maybe they will think its a hint to have some fun later and they will want to come over?;)

XenaWP 6

Or it could have the opposite effect and the person will think you're taken and never call... :(

they'll think you're hinting at something ;D

Is it just me or did someone already say that O.O

holygodthatshars 0

Yeahhhhh buddy it's Nyan cat- the awesome gay rainbow poptart!

What has that got to do with anything, #90?

icanseethesky13 1

He..or she, for that matter..was trying to be funny. I found it offensive. So shut up #90

iDaniel525 8

You gotta buy your friend dinner first!