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By Anonymous - 14/02/2019 14:52 - United States - Hartford

Today, my girlfriend started bitching me out about how public proposals are unfair and how they pressure a girl to say yes. All I did was get on my knee to tie a loose shoelace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 495
You deserved it 3 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like someone really doesn't want to marry you. If you're in this seriously, you might consider finding someone else who is serious, too.

There's a difference between saying, "I love you, sweetheart!" in public and the spectacle that public proposals cause. Suddenly the proposee is surrounded by strangers who are hanging on their every word and ready to judge or comment if they say no. That's a lot of pressure and not cool if public proposals/marriage in general isn't something that hasn't been discussed. It's not that hard to feel out if your loved one is someone who's against or for public proposals BEFORE you get on one knee.


How much we wanna bet she's a feminist who thinks the Patriarchy is behind it. Also lets point out how ******* hard it is for the guy to muster up the courage to actually ask that kind of question.

well the marriage issue is obviously on her mind (cant say in positive or negative way ) or she wouldn't jumped on drilling her opinions about it the sec u kneeled . tho I think u should try doing s**t like giving her something that look like ring box filled with other things to see her jump for the laugh of it . fun is always good for ur health (it might be bad for ur specific relationship . but its better to bail the ship sooner then latter if its sinking anyway)

Sounds like she thinks about marriage way too often...

Alliekat1008 15

She must have been embarrassed she jumped to conclusions

tinitine 6
Dodge4x4Ram 46

Pam and Jim. Anyone who gets this reference gets cool points.

At least now you know how she feels. And she is probably also embarrassed. But she does have a point. That's the same reason most parents won't allow their kids to ask for a sleepover when their friend is in the room. Yeah, some people find public proposals romantic, but I can also understand feeling pressured.