
By FreeTacos_ - 28/10/2015 05:23 - United States - Pueblo

Today, I told my crush that I liked her a lot. She told me not to message her when I'm drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 537
You deserved it 2 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe do it in person next time. She'll see that you're serious about it.

Steve95401 49

Wait until you really are drunk, then text her.


YourOpinionSucks 22

You deserve it, man up and say it to her face.

It might have been her way of saying she doesn't see you in that way (equally it might not be that at all), but one of my friends texted me that and I ignored it and pretended I hadn't got it, but I didn't like him in that way. Text really isn't the best way to do that though.

Redgy22 26

Sorry Op. But she gave you an out-just say you really were drunk & play it off. She doesn't need to know the truth if it embarrasses you.

Next time you see her let her know you were serious.

amberdea404 28

Try to tell her in person, ask her out. Be an actual person instead of using technology.

This is why I always carry a breathalyzer with me. You never know when you're going to need to test yourself and send a picture of the results. It's incredibly romantic.

Meet her up the next time round and tell her you're serious about what you texted.

that is the kind of thing I would have said to protect myself in case you were just fooling or completely wasted or your friend was on your phone messing about. so for me it would be hard to tell if this means straight out rejection or if it just means tell them in a way that means they can take you seriously (e.g. in person). anyway I assume which it was will become clear next time you see them anyway...