
By Hahamaster333 - 28/03/2013 01:02

Today, I was at the pool when I saw a man eating the food I had ordered near my seat. I immediately ran up to him and asked him to stop stealing my food. I took the food away and threw it in the trash. Seconds later the attendant came out with my actual food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 834
You deserved it 75 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And then you felt foolish for acting like an idiot and jumping to conclusions, so you did the right thing and told the attendant to give the other guy your food, right? Right?

rudegirlmania 10


The REAL FML is: Today, I was at the pool, calmly enjoying my meal when some guy ran up to me, told me to stop stealing his food and trashed it. The attendant brought out his meal came out 2 seconds later. FML.

I can imagine his FML right now... 'Today, some crazy guy took my food and threw it into the trash thinking it was his. It wasn't. FML' lol

Ya how does this 1 have more your life sucks than YDI's?

sugarshane007 20

I hope he grabbed your food, yelled at you for stealing it, and then ate every bit of it in front of you just to make you feel the burning embarassment of your stupidity.

You do realize people order the same food all the time, right, OP?

perdix 29

YDI for your lack of manners. You should have politely said, "Excuse me, sir, but I believe you are eating my food." He'd either correct you or say, "So what if I am?" If it's the latter, then you can lose your shit and make the scene you did.

xStaciexLynnx 15

If it had been your food, wouldn't the logical fix be asking the staff member about it and NOT attacking the poor guy who accidentally got your food?

You absolutely deserve it. You acted like a child. But hey, live and learn, right?

Because it isn't possible someone could order the same thing as you had ordered from what is likely a limited menu? I hope you took your order over to him and apologized for being a little crazy!