
By Hahamaster333 - 28/03/2013 01:02

Today, I was at the pool when I saw a man eating the food I had ordered near my seat. I immediately ran up to him and asked him to stop stealing my food. I took the food away and threw it in the trash. Seconds later the attendant came out with my actual food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 834
You deserved it 75 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And then you felt foolish for acting like an idiot and jumping to conclusions, so you did the right thing and told the attendant to give the other guy your food, right? Right?

rudegirlmania 10


effiestonem154 11

I feel like he should be the one writing an FML...

Jacksparrow72 21

Why couldn't you just wait for him to answer your questions?

upallnight11 19

Sounds like you have to pay for two meals instead of one.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Somehow, I imagine it playing out like this: "Hey! Will you please stop eating my food?!" "Dude, this is my food." Guy nonchalantly continues munching OP's shirt rips off as he morphs into the Hulk. "QUIT EATING MY FOOD!!!" OP grabs tray and dumps it in nearby trashcan storming off destroying everything in his path.

Why the hell would you just go up to a random stranger, assume they're eating your food, and then throw said food in the trash...? You DO know you're not the only person being served food, right? I'm sorry, OP, but that was an extremely stupid move on your part.

You're seen oblivious to the fake that maybe they ordered the same thing. I feel entirely sorry for the guy.

Wow! Overreact much? I hope you bought the poor guy new food & apologized profusely! You know, life goes a lot smoother if you calm down, slow down & don't sweat the small stuff ! It took me a lot of years to learn that!

jaytee1994 9

Dick....... Every stop to think that maybe other people Oder the same things? Guess not. Calm down and buy him some more food:)