At least someone's happy…

By reckless182 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my 10 year-old son that his father and I are getting a divorce. His reply? "Yes! I call living with dad!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 672
You deserved it 13 565

Top comments


Awe, well yeah kids can be pretty harsh.


Haha, lots of grammar freaks here o_0... That's pretty sad :c

No, whats pretty sad is that most people can't even bothered to write out their own ******* LANGUAGE correctly.

thats terrible. punk kids these days tak everythign for granted

@egg...: HA! You rule the Internet, and Cosby rules parenthood. "I want you... to go upstairs... and KILL the boy..."

If I were you I wouldn't take it too personally. He probably doesn't really understand what he said hurt you and the real depth to divorce. My parents split two years ago, when I was 14, and I still did not fully understand. Just because he chose his dad doesn't make you a bad mom. His father is probably more lenient and your son will need that male figure when he is growing up. To all of the people that feel the need to correct her grammar: I'm way into grammar myself but I'm sure her focus was on other things at the time she wrote this.

rustyrox 0

:( he probably just spoils them...

RKC21 0

Well from experience, growing up in a home where you parents dont get along at all is horrid. My Mother once told me that my Father and her were divorcing and i was so excited. i was 6! And it wasnt that i loved one more at all but i told her i wanted to live with her. And then as time passed and they never did get divorced on numerous occasions did i go bawling my eyes out to my Dad begging him to get me out of the horrid household i was part of.

Sometimes we shouldn't take what children say to heart.