Avoidance issues

By ProAwkward - 18/06/2013 04:07 - United States - Grand Prairie

Today, as I was walking home, I noticed a man and a woman arguing in their driveway. To avoid an awkward situation, I crossed the street. I then had to walk past a creepy guy watering his plants in his underwear while looking directly at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 798
You deserved it 5 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sure hes a nice guy. i water my plants naked all the time. its not like they have eyes or anything

flashback.miss 28

Should've walked past the couple, OP. Chances are they were so caught up in their anger at each other, they wouldn't have even noticed you.


At least he wasn't completely naked , coz that would have definitely been creepy AND awkward as hell .

And illegal in most countries, I'm pretty sure.

There's not much wrong with it u less his plants are on the ground

Brightbulb 39

why change your path just to avoid someone else's problem? Unless there were objects preparing to take flight, then yea, take the creepy guy's side of the road.

LookAttMyyLifee 12
Epikouros 31

Of course he was looking directly at you! He saw you crossing the street just to flirt with him.

Kc1001 14

sounds like my neighbor. just add drunk and that's what I live through.

By any chance was the old guy muttering "oh, kitty, kitty, kitty, oh kitty."

Happyhighs1 3

You're neighborhood sounds like alot of fun.... I'd go for walks everyday.... creepy plant people are awsome. (shhh I'm being sarcastic)