Baby bird blues

By nerderer - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Duluth

Today, I walked outside to get the paper, and saw a dying bird I assumed had flown into the window. It was warm so I thought it might still be alive. I wasn't wearing my glasses though, and was trying to nurse a dog turd back to life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 427
You deserved it 11 702

Top comments

Wow OP you must be pretty blind without your glasses if you thought that dog turd was a bird not the best way to start your day I say definitely FYL.


from one Minnesotan to another, it sounds like something I would do

muffin_19 6

One of the few FML post that actually made me laugh out loud!

If you couldnt differenciate a turd from a bird how did you even manage to get your paper let alone walk outside lool plus does'nt it smell?

O_o as someone legally blind I still don't see how you couldn't tell the difference between the texture of feathers and the squishy and or crunchy feeling of shit.