By Amberizzle - 26/09/2009 16:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
By fmlgirl - 25/04/2009 18:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/12/2009 04:27 - United States
By CUNTCUNTCUNT - 29/01/2014 21:28 - Australia - Slacks Creek
Happy… where d'he go?
By Lonely - 05/09/2021 04:59 - United States
By luvizwar - 18/09/2009 23:27 - Australia
By Anonymous - 04/03/2010 20:00 - United States
By KarolBee - 14/05/2009 06:48 - United States
By thnxbabe - 22/09/2014 02:11
By Lvdkinda - 18/06/2009 18:34 - United States
By Beanzbeanz - 09/07/2011 15:19 - Canada
Top comments
Hahah, what game are you guys watching? It says Florida so... UM? FSU? UF? USF?
Sounds like you need to get back in the kitchen and make those sammiches.
Where in the FML did she say she was having sex with him?
He is just "implying" that that is what happened... Hey its better than her breaking up with him and this happening
how was she not having sex with him they have a daughter
#32, don't tell me you believe in immaculate conception as well? it didn't happen! the bitch had an affair and lied... deal with it.
I didn't see the daughter part...too tired to be observant today I guess. :[
#15 is totally right, i hope those sandwiches were made with love and care football is very important, at least you guys spent some form of time together and its only like 2 hours of what he wants to do. Calm your nipples
The part where she said she has a child with him.
Good your boyfriend understand the role of the woman. Make sandwiches.
at least it's American football and not rest-of-the-world football aka soccer. only thing more boring to watch than that is baseball *shudder*
ughhhhh football. Why can't people focus more on music! >.<
118 is a win. when will people realize soccer takes more skill?
32 is the biggest ******* retard ever.. dumbfuck
that seriously sucks
2nd but thanks for playing we really enjoyed having you on the show.
You're an idiot. That's probably why you assume any necessary relationship between raising a child and being married.
Well, I bet HE enjoyed that.
that would blow for the kid
Leave him. You're an idiot if you don't.
At least you're not married. It'll be a lot easier to dump the jerk. You're WAY better off without him... just think... he'll have to pay child support still, and your parents are obviously close enough that they can help you raise your kid. Then you can find a guy who will treat you with respect.
that mentality is why kids are so ****** up nowadays. hey, let's all have kids with our boyfriends and then we can just break up and the man will have to pay child support while i sit on my ass because i don't want to work and don't have to since he has to pay me 51 percent of what he makes. in the meantime, i'll bitch to my kid about how much of an asshole her dad was so that she'll either grow up to hate men or turn into a huge ***** because she never had daddy's love and wants men to "love" her, and she can't distinguish between sex and love. maybe next time get married first, and then you could've figured out that he was a douchebag before popping out a couple babies.
#40 hit it right on.
Rye, you are officially my favorite poster here.
Wow, what a judgemental douchebag you are.
#40 is my hero and #55 is the kind of **** #40 is talking about!
Actually, I wholly believe in waiting until wedlock to have children, but just because some people don't doesn't mean what #40 described is always going to happen. It's called having an open mind. You should try it sometime, metheonlyb.
@#40 - A child is going to be a lot healthier and happier if his or her parents are not in a dysfunctional relationship.

i have to at least commend the guy for staying with you for 3 years and raising a kid with you despite not making any long term commitment like marriage
You guys are kind of assholes. She doesn't have to marry the guy to have kids. Marriage isn't right for some people. Just because someone has a kid with someone without getting married doesn't mean the kid is going to be ****** up. It's better to have the people not get married then to get married and always fight around the kid. People should quit being so judgemental.