Bad day

By meranda_johnson - 13/12/2012 08:58 - United States

Today, I have a cold. I can't begin to count how many times I've sneezed throughout the day, but I can count how many times I've sneezed so hard that I've peed myself: twice. Once while I was at work helping a customer, the other while sitting on the couch next to my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 836
You deserved it 2 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they say a sneeze is 1/8 of an ******; at least you're having fun.

I hope they weren't laughing too hard achou! I know this isn't sneezy for you but hang in there, the cold will go away soon. You know what they say: Starve a fever, pee a cold.


lol70720 5

Whats with women and always needing to pee?

Women have smaller bladders than men, therefore they need to empty it more often.

Yes, our reproductive organs are all inside and take up space. Also, our urethras are a lot shorter than a male's, so it's harder to hold.

I have a cold too and know exactly how you feel. One minute I'd get the strong urge to sneeze, then the next, I'd be sneezing crazy. Laugh off the sneezing-til-you-pee thing too. I sure would. Anyways, get better soon~

tissues contain small fibres which get into your nose and make you sneeze more. Use a hankie to blow your nose.

you definitely need to start doing your kegel exercises. squeeze them when you sneeze, it should prevent you from peeing. also when youre peeing in general, practise stopping your pee several times midflow. this also helps build up your muscles.

I HATE that! Damn kids cause that. I usually sneeze repeatedly until I pee, then I'm good. Even after I JUST peed!

Buy some pull ups.... Or some plastic panties.