Bad game

By Dick the Greater - 25/10/2013 22:08

Today, I took my girlfriend to meet my parents at a family dinner. There was plenty of alcohol on offer, as is normal at our get-togethers. She got blind drunk and ended up crying to my mum about how I can't please her because I have a small penis and my oral sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 393
You deserved it 10 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Drunken words are sober thoughts.

Good things come in tiny packages, she doesn't know what she's missing.


MiissAshleyy 19

thats a good way to break the ice. lol.

stephers444 17

You may want to work on that then

The OP should ask his GF what he has to do to get her off.

and the gf should tell him, before getting ass drunk and complaining elsewhere for problems she should have solved with her bf in private. (assuming this was his first time hearing about it). Now he knows though, and can do something about it.

try practicing your sucking technique and tongue control with a mango (or similar fruit). that's what I used when I taught my ex how to give basic oral, then it was tuition and practice.

imagining someone practicing oral on a mango...

Gingerette 8

#70, you're smarter than I am, because I can't even begin to imagine what that's supposed to look like. All I see in my head right now is question marks...

I believe Vatsayana did mention a technique named for a mango, but iirc, it was one that was usually for women.

ColbyGB 13

Maybe you shouldn't let her get drunk, doesn't sound like anything good comes out of her oral either

Wow, the morning after the night before. Awesome mum you have there OP. I wonder how she reacted to that. Your GF should've said something to you first about building on and improving your sexual repertoire if she wasn't happy. Admittedly it's horrible having to talk to your SO about their lackluster skills, but it's better than saying nothing and not getting what needs to be got. Maybe have a (serious) chat to a male whom you're close to.... And your GF should apologise for any disruption & awkwardness she may have caused.

There's totally a nice way of getting your mate to mate better. Just give them suggestions rather than saying "you suck at sex"

from previous experiences there is need for tact and diplomacy when broaching the subject of a mans performance, I agree that beating around the bush only exaggerates a sticky situation. men are fragile after all.

"beating around the bush"? "sticky situation"? There's no way that wasn't intentional, but there's nothing at the end of your post to signify you knew you did it as is the norm here. I am utterly confused.

Maybe she doesn't feel the need to exaggerate her puns.

She does feel the need to use as many big words as possible, to seem more intelligent.

practice doing the ABCs for oral when your board and practice kegels for your down low

Yikes. Well I have no advice on this one

there's a pill for that! and practice makes perfect if you take her advice ;)

Those pills aren't really a solution. And don't forget, he may be average sized, but the woman may be a little... Wider, or the man just doesn't know how to use what he has.

Send your girlfriend to me, seems like I can be in Guinness world record for my small size

n00b4liciou5 10
cryssycakesx3 22

he looks like the LOLOLOLOLLLL face.