Bad timing

By i'm not psychic, mother fucker - 02/06/2013 20:48 - Sweden - Uppsala

Today, I got a text message while driving home. I checked after arriving, and found it was a kinky text from my boyfriend, so I sent him an even kinkier reply. He later raged at me, because I somehow should have known he was showing off his phone to his mom when I sent my reply. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 681
You deserved it 6 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TrinityisLife 22

So you forgot your crystal ball, too, huh? Don't you hate when that happens?

You could have turned his logic back at him and raged at him for should of knowing that you were driving when he sent that text, unsafe. (Again, I know that doesn't make sense but neither does his logic)


bigwill420 11

The question is why was he sending kinky txt wit his mother

Lmao. Well good for you not texting and driving. It's on him for that happening.

Dump that loser. He's an idiot and if he gets mad for something so small, he's not worth it.

I wish there was a button, "He deserved it."

avapaige1234 19
Sonotsuave 35

He just did not see that coming did he lol

You should have known. It is ENTIRELY your fault for not being psychic.

Dump his dumb ******* ass. If he doesn't even respect you enough to see the situation for what it is, imagine how he'll treat you when something serious happens.