
By batter--up - 17/02/2010 02:54 - United States

Today, in a sporting goods store, my mom was over on the other side of the store, when a cute guy came over to talk to me. When she saw this she grabbed a bat, walked over to us and said, "If you ever even look at my daughter again, I will beat you shitless." She was serious. He ran. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 716
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorcerersinger 0

I would expect that from a father. usually moms want their daughters to get married and whatnot.

Wow that's a scary mom xD gl to your future bf


For some reason OP forgot to mention her age. If that was me I would had given my age to emphasize how crazy my mom is. So obviously, OP is 12-14 and that guy was at least 18. Your mom did the right think kid, you'll thank her later.

BosatKhanjar101 0

that really sucks. if anything I would think ur mom is cool with it. how old r u?

my mom is crazy like that exept she owns a revolver...

sarcdude 3

But if you don't talk to someone you find attractive, how else will you actually get to /know/ the person? I don't think one should let opportunities pass them by, love can happen almost anywhere. I've talked to girls when I was out of town and I didn't even ask them for their numbers, and they enjoyed my company.

dude what the heck? i would be so pissed but my mom would probably just walk away and leave me talking.

afarr 0

i would grab a chainsaw and ride that bitch

Get a phychiatric for her. Or call the cops when shit turns nasty.

geoLa16 0

haha that's the last cute guy that will talk 2 u 

that sounds like something my mom would do lol

because your mom was a **** and didn't want the same thing for you... buuuut.... you probably will anyways