
By batter--up - 17/02/2010 02:54 - United States

Today, in a sporting goods store, my mom was over on the other side of the store, when a cute guy came over to talk to me. When she saw this she grabbed a bat, walked over to us and said, "If you ever even look at my daughter again, I will beat you shitless." She was serious. He ran. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 716
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorcerersinger 0

I would expect that from a father. usually moms want their daughters to get married and whatnot.

Wow that's a scary mom xD gl to your future bf



that's toooooooooo funny! not that you desrve it, but it's just funny. fyl I guess

You wouldn't want to date him anyway, what kind of guy gets scared when some soccermom threatens him, regardless if she is holding a bat or not.

skyeyez9 24

Depends on the situation. If you are underage and the "cute guy" was 35 and flirting with you, your mom had every right to chase that nasty pedo away. If he was around your age, then how embarassing for you!

meeting new people in new places doesn't seem trashy at all...

PandasRtheShit 0

Snickerdoodles.. the Boxxy of FML..

trashy? how is that trashy? most people hit on people in situations like that so they can get to know eachother.

This FML is yet another that really depends on the circumstance. If the poster is only like 13 years old then her mom is awesome. If she's like 21 then yes her life does suck.

My gf's mom is exactly like this... I feel your pain...

your mom probably had sex with him the night before.