
By batter--up - 17/02/2010 02:54 - United States

Today, in a sporting goods store, my mom was over on the other side of the store, when a cute guy came over to talk to me. When she saw this she grabbed a bat, walked over to us and said, "If you ever even look at my daughter again, I will beat you shitless." She was serious. He ran. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 716
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorcerersinger 0

I would expect that from a father. usually moms want their daughters to get married and whatnot.

Wow that's a scary mom xD gl to your future bf


ReverendDC 2

The question is: how old are you? If you are 16 or under, go mom. if not, WTF, mom?

ahahahaahha. that's hularious. xD and #142. WTF does "that's so negro" mean? that's kinda racist.

genesis294 0

well, at least she didn't embarass you...

jsusfreek927 0

that is not slutty. I am far from slutty, but I met my now 2 month boyfriend in a car shop. almost the same as a store. we flirted and talked and exchanged numbers, so it's not ALWAYS true that you wont ever see that person again... and we don't do trashy things. we're both Christians so we have morals. my point being, flirting with someone you met in a store is not trashy. he might be "the one". gah. people on here are just... stupid.

well, in the size of the town I live in, I probably WOULD see this person again! And hello??? Its sooooo muchh fun to flirt, because even then you might not see the person ever again.....soooo. (; But seriously, I get what all of yall are saying! (:

I'd bet op is 12 - 15yrs and the guy that approached her was at least mid 20s.

if she works at a store most likely she is 16 or 15 which is a normal age to talk to guys, and i think she would be glad her mom threatened someone way older, if not....your moms PSYCO

I bet that your mom has been talking to a lot of guys when she was young :/

beckdra 0

haha. i bet my mom would do the samething. but im used to it.