Be careful what you wish for

By HolyRavioli - 21/03/2016 17:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I sat at work for eight hours daydreaming about the homemade four-cheese ravioli I would come home to after spending three hours making it from scratch the night before. When I finally got home and heated the ravioli, I dropped it all over my feet, giving me second degree burns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 334
You deserved it 2 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mr. Crab robot "Ravioli, Ravioli, give me the formuoli"


The universe is a muenster... I'm sure that ravioli would have been really Gouda. Things will get cheddar though.

Store it in the pocketoli and bring it to work the next day

This might be the saddest thing I've read on this site.

I always feel super sad when I see someone has slaved over food and then it got ruined before they could eat it :(

It's a role reversal!! The Ravoli is now forever dreaming about being consume by you and being digested in your tummy

Not kidding, I just ate ravioli before reading this... it was delicious.

That doesn't sound gouda at all, you'd feta be more careful next time when handling hot stuff.

I feel your pain literally, I'm trying to heal right now. Hot water is dangerous.