Beautiful sentiment

By emily geo - 03/02/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, my daughter is twelve and doesn’t have a single friend, despite being kind and sweet. When I asked her why, she said, “All the other kids want me to die.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 742
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That age is tough. If you have the means, a therapy and or transferring schools might help.

My daughter is almost 11 and is finding herself in the same boat. She’s being changed because of it. She wants friends so she’s doing things she never would just to fit in. Kids these days suck.


That age is tough. If you have the means, a therapy and or transferring schools might help.

My daughter is almost 11 and is finding herself in the same boat. She’s being changed because of it. She wants friends so she’s doing things she never would just to fit in. Kids these days suck.

buy her a mountain bike. Get her hooked up with a youth mountain biking group. She'll gain a skill, gain confidence, and she'll be the coolest girl at her school.

L0life29 6

a new school in a new area? there are good places and good people out there. I hope the best for her!

She may need a therapist. There is nothing wrong with her. It is a difficult situation that she may need help navigating.