
By Fitz - 05/05/2009 12:22 - United States

Today, I overheard my mother and sister talking so I stopped to eavesdrop. I recently enlisted in the Marines, and they were talking about what they would do with the money if I died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 184 941
You deserved it 14 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is so messed up...and someone YDI this... I feel for ya


*salute* You are awesome for signing up. =) And you're not required to leave your insurance money with them. Go down to personnel and have them change your "Page 2" ;)

Saiduck 0

Props for protecting our country. Leave them nothing. Marry your girl and give it to her or leave it to a charity.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

I say cut them out of your will completely. Leave everything to the people who would truly be hurt if you left them.

marimari 0

#26 and 54 you guys must both be seriously ****ed up because no matter what noone deserves to hear there family talking about what they would do with money if they were to die I don't care if you eavesdropped or not your seriously ****ed up if you YDI's! I'm sorry for you OP, good luck with everything

Blue_Coconuts 7

#8, 9, and 21, your beneficiary (or aries) gets a maximum of $400,000 (total) if you die while in the service, and it is a service related incident that you couldn't have prevented. If you are KIA the total is increased to $500,000. Again, you have to have done everything right. For example, when one of my friends was out on patrol he stopped, took off his eye pro, and was shot in the head by a sniper. He had all of his gear on otherwise, but because he wasn't wearing ballistic eye pro, his wife was not given his SGLI originally (until she fought it). The Military will try to keep their money if they can prove you did something wrong, even something as useless as not having your Oakley's on (like that would stop a bullet)... To the OP, you don't have to leave them jack shit, you can have your SGLI out to anyone you want, or opt not to have it at all. You can also change it at anytime. When my ex left me in Iraq, the first thing I did was take her off my SGLI so she didn't get paid if I was killed on mission.

suckstobeyou3 0

wow, that's really nice of them. FYL for having an awful family. :/