Best buds

By anonymous - 23/01/2012 15:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me we've just been fuck buddies for the entire year we've been "together." This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't working up the courage to propose to her on our anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 034
You deserved it 5 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

138 - "been married for almost a year and have a 6 month old daughter" Your oh so long marriage record AND the fact that you were pregnant AT LEAST 3 months before you got married CLEARLY shows that you are the *perfect* person to give advice on this subject!


Dude, after a year? Would you even expect her to have said yes?

BboyMarkieMark 3

Damn yo.....If I were you I would stay with her to see if she is being serious and to see where you guys are heading

nofearjenshere 12

Was the sex really good enough to make u propose after just a year?

linzcrain 0

It's only been one year. Too soon!

first enough is not long enough for a test drive

woiz 11

**** her harder till u find someone worthy of ur feelings

YouAreMadBro 0

You're a bitch. Dumb ass Canadians are infecting the world with their deformed ways.

You can't turn a hoe into a housewife..