Best clapback

By wetbutt - 06/03/2009 17:49 - United States

Today, I yelled at my little brother for leaving the toilet seat up and told him he needed to go around the house and make sure they were all down. I went to the bathroom later to find that the toilet seats and covers from every toilet had all been removed and were sitting on my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 997
You deserved it 68 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wolfking 0

why is it that girls are always so adamant about leaving the seat down? do guys yell at girls if the seat is down, and we have to use the very small amount of effort needed to lift the seat? cause that's pretty much the same thing


snkybstrd 0

Can't even hate him for that one, he's a genius.

hahaha woah, that's epic. +1 for your bro -Mr Roboto

Feel_It 0

Bitches and their ******* toilet seats. Your brother is my new role model.

blahthing 0

I'm female. I don't understand why so many females insist on toilet seats being down. Is it really so hard to put the seat down? To those who don't look before they 1. What if the lid was down too? that would be unpleasant 2. I personally always like to check to see if the toilet is clean/been flushed

ohwowthatsucks25 0

uhh, you deserved it. i agree with #96... why do guys have to put the toilet seat down? why shouldnt girls have to put it up when they're done? or at least work out some kind of system, like every other week? WOMEN!

I'm female and I agree it's freaking stupid to care about whether the seat is up or down. Why wouldn't someone look before sitting?? I put it down when I go and leave it that way, and my boyfriend puts it up when he goes, and leaves it that way. We both have to touch it, so we're even. The only thing I can imagine someone caring about is if they care whether or not the lid is down. That's understandable.

that guys a ******* genius gmme your address i wanna send him $50

i can see why you yelled at him. those toilet seats are hard to put up/down right? do it yourself next time...