Always wear camo gear

By Anonymous - 29/06/2024 00:00 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I took a huge shit halfway through my gym workout, one of them half-wet, messy, stuck in your butt hairs. Three rolls and an anus with the feeling of carpet burn later, I proceeded to the bench feeling strong. At the twelfth rep, I sharted, right in my brand new gray pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 323
You deserved it 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eat more vegetables, bring baby wipes (throw them out, don't flush them), have a professional remove the ass hair for easier clean up. See a doctor if the sharts persist, especially if your workouts are intense; they could be adding stress to your digestive system. A fitness professional could assess the best workout regimen for you.


Eat more vegetables, bring baby wipes (throw them out, don't flush them), have a professional remove the ass hair for easier clean up. See a doctor if the sharts persist, especially if your workouts are intense; they could be adding stress to your digestive system. A fitness professional could assess the best workout regimen for you.