Big brain bug

By Anonymous - 09/07/2012 20:15 - Canada

Today, my mother was leaving the house to attend her sister's funeral. Just as she was walking out the door, my brain experienced the most horrific shart imaginable, and I uttered through my reassuring smile, "Have a blast." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 189
You deserved it 25 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

Why weren't you going with her? That's your aunt!

I hope her sister didn't die in somr kind of explosion.


Deannie88 6

I hope you have a blast all alone knowing you've probably hurt your moms feelings when she needed you the most!

rcgirl2 11

You are supposed to supporting your mother. And that's your aunt too! YDI

rcgirl2 11

Yeah seriously why didn't you go to the funeral too? That's your family. Come on now

Well, a funeral should be a celebration of the dead's life, not a sad mourning...but that's my opinion. We all **** up sometimes, though. Don't beat yourself up over it. I just hope you apologized.

Of course she'll have a blast. Funerals are to die for.

hockeyoceancity 13

Everyone's dying to have their own!

Despite the cost of living, notice how popular it remains. It's deathly popular, isn't it?

ILuv_toaster182 5

Way to go genius. You probably made her cry BEFORE the funeral! and why aren't you going? Lazy.

To all the people who gae this comment a thumbs Down I hope one of yur relatives dosent come to your funeral. Wait I hope none do

b0ngs 7

The grammar in your comment made me cringe. First off you make zero sense! Second, I I fixed your comment : 'To all the people who gave this comment a thumbs down, I hope one of your relatives won't go to your funeral. Wait; I hope none do. ' There ya go!

F your mom's life! You really should be going to support your mom and pay respect to your aunt.

dDailydDosage 8

People op referred to his aunt as "my mothers sister", that tells me he didn't have a close relationship with her before she died. But you could have gone in the selfless act of comforting your mother. As for the slip of the mouth, it's okay. Happens to everyone. :)

olpally 32

Stupidity at its finest right here... Nice going op... I hope you apologized for your stupidity.