Big brain bug

By Anonymous - 09/07/2012 20:15 - Canada

Today, my mother was leaving the house to attend her sister's funeral. Just as she was walking out the door, my brain experienced the most horrific shart imaginable, and I uttered through my reassuring smile, "Have a blast." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 189
You deserved it 25 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

Why weren't you going with her? That's your aunt!

I hope her sister didn't die in somr kind of explosion.


We had a party after my father's funeral 4 years ago. He would have preferred that than all of us being sad. And some people just don't like going to funerals for whatever reason. Doesn't mean they don't feel sad

I'm pretty sure I would've sharted laughing at this but I pooped earlier

It's quite possible OP was not close to his aunt (note, he didn't refer to her as his aunt, but as his Mother's sister, which suggests a detachment). Also, the fact that he didn't go doesn't necessarily mean he's callous and unsupportive. He may not have been able to take off from work (some bosses aren't sensitive to such matters), or he may have had to watch his or someone's children (funerals are NOT the place for small children if it can be at all avoided), and some people have an extreme aversion/fear/discomfort when it comes to funerals, none of which are easily overcome simply because supporting someone is the right thing to do. Give him a break. Lastly, "...most horrific shart" was the funniest damn thing I've read in a long time. But, yes. FYL just a little bit.

Historylover 0

Lol, this is a sad way.

You aren't going to your Aunts funeral?! WTF?!

littlebluepill 1

Um, why weren't you going to your Aunt's funeral??

You seem like a creepy child, get some help.

i cant help but feel how much worse it would be if your aunt had died in an explosion of some sorts