Big night

By mybad7 - 15/09/2009 08:13 - Australia

Today, I finally decided to sleep with my boyfriend. It was my first time and I was really nervous so when he was being all romantic with candles and wine I went a bit overboard and drank too much. I passed out. I woke up a few hours later, still a virgin, and in a puddle of my own piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 955
You deserved it 34 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait until you old enough to stop calling urine "wee."

MoonyIce 0

Good god, YDI. Know your limits, jeez.


If you are that nervous to sleep with your boyfriend, take that as a sign that you are not ready and that he is not the right guy. It is ok to be a virgin. Do not let a boy pressure you into doing something so huge as this. You only get one shot at it. You do not get your virginity back if you are not happy or if you brake up. Save if for someone special. And the " if you love me you will do it" stuff that boys like to say. You can tell them in response that " if you love me you will wait until i am ready" do not let anyone pressure you into this. When it is the right person you will know and you will not have to get this drunk to calm your nerves. Respect yourself enough to say i am in control of this no one else.

vivayasania 0

YDI for saying wee . That's just sorta sad. But other than that; This seems like it was you're fault. Ydi for that too !

Jincos 0

I've seen seven recent FMLs, about how girls and and the term urine used a lot. I'm losing faith.

CaptainBungalo 0

people reacting to #16...youre retarded...

hmm..dont be so so sure yur still a virgin, he could have got you drunk then raped you. nvr know....

Are you sure it's your "wee"? Maybe your boyfriend was mad that you passed out and denied him the sex he has been waiting for, so he pissed on you.

just like everyone else hade already said . YDI for using "wee"

You dumb idiots. Did you not realize that this person isn't from the USA? They apparently don't use the same lingo as us. As for the writer, you know your limits now. I'm sorry it happened like that.

no ppl in NSW australia say piss pee urinate basically anything some one over the age of 13 would say... trust me i live in nsw btw op YTDI

WTF is with all you ppl going off about "wee"? it's a term some English speaking countries use ok so stfu

adamsk1 0

don't be nervous abt sex. it cones naturally. ur first time might actually suck but still... don't be nervous. most of yall people are haters. I'm sure you've all done something just a goofy or said something just as stupid. grow up and get over it.