Big night

By mybad7 - 15/09/2009 08:13 - Australia

Today, I finally decided to sleep with my boyfriend. It was my first time and I was really nervous so when he was being all romantic with candles and wine I went a bit overboard and drank too much. I passed out. I woke up a few hours later, still a virgin, and in a puddle of my own piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 955
You deserved it 34 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait until you old enough to stop calling urine "wee."

MoonyIce 0

Good god, YDI. Know your limits, jeez.


well at least he didn't try to have sex with you while you were passed out !

Sounds like you were piss drunk. ...I should be ashamed of myself.

Wee... Are you fuking serious /)_- are you eight seriously another Reason you didn't get laid maybe cx

Well it could have been worse. You could have woken up a non-virgin...

a bit overboard? you friggin passed out. that's not a little bit.