Big night

By mybad7 - 15/09/2009 08:13 - Australia

Today, I finally decided to sleep with my boyfriend. It was my first time and I was really nervous so when he was being all romantic with candles and wine I went a bit overboard and drank too much. I passed out. I woke up a few hours later, still a virgin, and in a puddle of my own piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 955
You deserved it 34 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait until you old enough to stop calling urine "wee."

MoonyIce 0

Good god, YDI. Know your limits, jeez.


YDI for trying to live out that Clay Aiken fantasy.

Nothing like getting wasted on your first (possible) time. That'll make it memorable.

proud_liberal 0

you threw up, that means you're an alcoholic. god damn I hate your kind, all you do is molest kids and rape people. anyone caught drunk should be thrown in jail for a minimum sentence of 5 years. enough is enough, think of all the lives it would save

zero34 0

wow, you're over the top. yeah, being drunk sucks, but being caught drunk doesn't mean you should be in jail for 5 years. Being caught drunk while driving, sure, i have NO problem with that. But just being caught drunk, over the top. We live in a country of freedom. Freedom to drink, freedom to chose how much to drink. if you want to make yourself sick from it, then so be it, but it's not a 5 years in jail penalty that's needed. Not to mention our jails are already overpopulated enough.

#16 is a joke, in name and content, amiright? OP: Sorry to hear that. Shit happens sometimes. Try, try again.

you're a retard for being wasted in public. you probably deserved what you got dumbass.

zero34 0

yeah, i gotta say, if you're not mature enough to call is piss, pee or urine, but you default to "wee" like some kid would, then you're DEFINITELY not mature enough to be having sexual relations. YDI

Who the **** calls urine "wee" are you 8?

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

i thought for sure this was going to say i woke up and wasn't a virgin anymore.

YDI for being a virgin, not being able to handle your drink, and for saying "Wee"

NomDeGuerre 0

proud_liberal..go **** yourself. honestly. if you vomit from drinking too much, that does not mean you are an alcoholic, it means that you had alcohol poisoning. get over it. people drink and get intoxicated. it's a right. as long as the said person is being responsible while drinking, there is nothing wrong. you can take your ******* bigoted opinions and shove it.

technically its a right that adults 21 and over have and this girl sounds like she is 11

"Bigot" technically wouldn't be the right word, but yeah.