Blue Monday

By Lesor - 24/06/2024 11:00 - Vietnam

Today, I want to quit my job so so much. My coworker stresses me out, I have a panic attack every time she calls me. I don't know anything, but it's because I haven't ever done this job before. Why can't she just show me the way instead of being so mean like that? I have trauma from working with this bitch for 3 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 371
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This might not be the most obvious thing to do but... maybe try asking for help?

Everyone has stressors. If you're having an actual "panic attack" and "trauma" from a coworker, then it might be beneficial to talk to a therapist instead of what you are/aren't doing at this point. Panic attacks and trauma should not be taken lightly


This might not be the most obvious thing to do but... maybe try asking for help?

These days, if you’re not already perfect the second you walk in on your first day, employers don’t want you.

Everyone has stressors. If you're having an actual "panic attack" and "trauma" from a coworker, then it might be beneficial to talk to a therapist instead of what you are/aren't doing at this point. Panic attacks and trauma should not be taken lightly

Perry Winkle 3

I took a lower paying job to get away from the mental health disaster I used to work at and I must say.... Totally Worth It!!

Unless this is an unusually complex job, I don’t understand why after 3 months you are still struggling. Are you asking for help? You should. Maybe you are just not cut out for this particular job. Start looking elsewhere.