Bon appétit

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Appleton

Today, I told my girlfriend I've been a vegetarian for 6 years. Hearing this, my mom said, "No, you're not. I fry your mushrooms and onions in bacon grease." With this new information, I've been a vegetarian for about 76 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 439
You deserved it 10 059

Top comments

You didn't notice your food tasted like bacon for 6 years?

It's ok. My mom used to fry my stuff in vegetable oil to make me a vegetarian.


What is it with vegetarians that it quickly becomes about religiously avoiding contact with "impure" animal food? Isn't the point not to support the slaughtering of animals with your demand? If you wilfully refrained from eating meat for six years, how do things beyond your knowledge and control invalidate that? Since apparently they do, YDI for being *that* kind of vegetarian, essentially looking down on eaters of slaughtered food with a passive aggression that borders on bigotry.

TheCutestLizard 28

Well that comment made sense when it was debating OPs views of him/herself and how this event really effects them. Then it suddenly accused OP of being a down-looking, passive aggressive (almost) bigot? Where the hell did that come from? The FML says nothing about how OP dealt with the situation or their views on non-veggies

57, it's called reading between the lines. If you read every other letter of the FML backwards, it spells ou- Oh wait I have no idea where he got it from either.

How about if you think the idea of consuming any part of a dead animal carcass is gross? Not all vegetarians are doing it for ethics. Some don't like meat, some are weirded out by the whole damn thing. This doesn't automatically mean you go about sanctimoniously judging everyone else. Unlike you, apparently.

Freaking out because somebody else cooks with bacon grease is indeed sanctimonious. Just because OP became a vegetarian, he expects everyone he knows to suddenly stop cooking meat?

He said it's been 6 years. His mother should be aware

I'm sorry OP that's horrible! Iv only been vegetarian for less then a year and I don't know what I would Do it that happened! I was actually Worried my mother in law would do something like that to me as she is very anti-vegetarian/vegan but she's been very nice about letting me know when she cooks with meat or a meat broth/stalk etc. doesn't make her stop the rude comments.... But hey got to start somewhere lol Try and remind yourself that you didn't eat meat or meat products on your own accord for 6 Years, and your mom slipping you bacon grease doesn't change that about you.... Just don't let your mother cook for you from now on....

sugarshane007 20

Nothing like learning the last six years were a lie.

No, it would be a lie if he claimed to be a vegetarian and then went out for a bacon double cheeseburger.

sugarshane007 20

True, but he still technically hasn't been a vegetarian, by his own admission, due to lacking knowledge of his mother's actions.

47- My limited understanding of being a vegeterian is that it's a conscious lifestyle Choice. Op Choose to not select meat products in his diet, so regardless of unknown "cross-contamination", Op is a vegeterian, even if his mother somehow secretly slipped him a 12 oz ribeye, it wouldn't change his beliefs/choices. Op is one and has been one, for 6 years.

sugarshane007 20

43 and 53 - After thinking about this more, and reading both of you comments again, you guys are right. Just because OP was lied to, this wouldn't qualify as making OP's life a lie because away from the mother, OP was able to live the lifestyle he believed in. Some things may make a persons life a lie, but this wouldn't qualify.

TheCutestLizard 28

I tried being a vegetarian once...worst 12 minutes of my life!

I know that was a *joke* but, really, you can last longer than 12 mins just not eating anything. :/

Ins0mau 20

It sounds like a good idea, ethically. But I'm pretty sure I'd starve. I'm a carnivore.

If all you eat is meat, you will die. You may like meat, but unless your diet is solely or primarily meat, you aren't a carnivore. Unless a cat has learned to type...

44: you have no idea how much I hate when people say things like that.

joethebiden 8

If that's any consolation, you were eating a by-product of the awesomest non-vegetarian food.

Drakorex 10

Being a vegetarian goes against nature anyway YDI

#67, you wrote that on a computer made of plastics and molded metals which manipulates electricity to allow you to speak to people on the other side of the world without opening your mouth. I don't think you get to YDI people for "going against nature".

austin01121 3

Now you know why they were so tasty

Well, you're mother is clearly a bitch. But I have to wonder how you never noticed your food tasting like bacon...but that's not really the point. At least you're trying. Now, just make sure your mother doesn't make your food for you :)

JCal585 8

Hey vegetarians: my food ***** on your food.

Unless your house constantly reeks of bacon, your mom's pranking you- she'd have to fry bacon to extract the grease- soooo, unless your mushrooms and onions have had little delicious bits of crispy pork in 'em and you're remarkably unobservant or your family eats lots of bacon and chuckles while you eat your veggies, your mom's lying to make you look like an idiot in front of your girlfriend..... Maybe she's jealous of you? Is your name Oedipus by chance?