Bon appétit

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Appleton

Today, I told my girlfriend I've been a vegetarian for 6 years. Hearing this, my mom said, "No, you're not. I fry your mushrooms and onions in bacon grease." With this new information, I've been a vegetarian for about 76 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 439
You deserved it 10 059

Top comments

You didn't notice your food tasted like bacon for 6 years?

It's ok. My mom used to fry my stuff in vegetable oil to make me a vegetarian.


onorexveritas 23

don't be butt-hurt, you didn't eat meat, that's the main thing

smilypants3252 0

Ummm, technically you've still been a vegetarian.

Elovena 9

If it wasn't intentional on your part pay it no mind.

I've been pescatarian for 3 years and I can definitely tell if something is made with bacon grease or chicken stock. Or simply if it has any meat in it in general. It has a distinctive taste. And if you're going to be picky about what's in your food, then you should be making it yourself. I've eaten out before and had mishaps happen. But I wasn't upset about it, because that's the risk you take when someone else makes your food. Doesn't make you any less vegetarian because, technically you didn't know. But if you're going to be picky, then you have to be careful.

alaskanrocker 2

Why didn't/don't you cook your own food? It seems unethical and kind of ridiculous if you are eating her food if your old enough

Twisted_Angel 17

Maybe it's time to start cooking your own meals?

yaoifreak 8

that's just awful !!!i mean I'm Definitely not a vegetarian but I know you were probably so sad